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My first beautiful story is a parent thing. We have a 30 year old son living in Pittsburgh, (engaged to a fantastic woman), and a 27 year old daughter. I won’t bore you with telling you how wonderful they are, (let’s just leave it as blessed BEYOND words). Our daughter was off from her teaching job for a much needed spring break. Instead of heading “home” for her vacation, she and her boyfriend chose to spend 4 days in Pittsburgh visiting her brother and future sister-in law. By the way, our kids are total opposite personality types, yet they have that special sibling bond. As a parent, the joy of our  two adult children (I know, what an oxymoron), wanting to be together, totally warms my heart. What a beautiful feeling.

My mother gave Rob money for his 65th birthday with the stipulation it be used for a special life experience. When I heard about the upcoming Broadway show of Carol King’s life story, “Beautiful”, bingo! That was it! I don’t know how many of you share our feeling for Carol King and her music but she brings back memories that put a smile on my face. I invited my mother to join us but she declined. Fast forward. My cousin from California was going to be in town the day we had tickets for the show. We see so little of each other, I asked if she wanted to join us, and so she did… Mom was still a no go. Fast forward again. My cousin’s daughter decided to also come east, new plan was she’d visit with my mother while the rest of us went to the theater. Until…a neighbor calls my mother the week of the show to ask if she wants to use an extra ticket she had. By now, the reviews were in… buzz was this production was outstanding. My mother wanted to go but didn’t know what to do. I suggested, let’s all go, and so we did. (By the way, flexibility is my middle name:). Needless to say, our seats were “so far away” from each other.

This was Easter Sunday, lucky for us, the theater was not full. I knew where my mother was sitting so I decided to scout the situation. Sure enough there were empty seats in the same row as my mother, so three of us made the move just before lights out. You should have seen her utter shock when the lights came on at intermission and we were 6 seats away! Believe it or not, there was one more available seat in the same row, so all of us were “together” for the second act. I think some of my Karma was surfacing…what were the odds of this happening? All I can say is, this show was absolutely wonderful…it had “the earth move under my feet.” My mother stipulated she wanted us to have a life experience and this was so much more. All of us being together, seeing an incredible show production, hearing fantastic music, making forever family memories…..just so beautiful.

I’m feeling like I should be talking a bit about jewelry. (I know, I’m all over the place.) We are often asked how one can maintain the beauty of their fine jewelry, on their own. Our web site is full of useful information on this topic, however, in reality, our professional equipment will always have the best results. My Jewel Shop welcomes you to stop in for a Spring cleaning, (no extended warranties needed, no cost to you). We are all about customer service. It gives us great pleasure to help make your jewelry, and your life, more beautiful.

As I proofread and reflect on what I just wrote, I realize beauty can touch us in so many ways. How we define beauty, how we interpret beauty, how we view our “world” is quite personal. Today, I ask all of you to open your eyes, open your mind, open your heart, and enjoy something “beautiful”.

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