Precious moments of the week with a heavy dose of feel good: Today we received a call from one of our elderly customers. She wanted to blog about us but didn’t know how to publish what she wrote. (We believe she actually wanted to write a review). Out of sheer desperation, she sent this email: […]
My first beautiful story is a parent thing. We have a 30 year old son living in Pittsburgh, (engaged to a fantastic woman), and a 27 year old daughter. I won’t bore you with telling you how wonderful they are, (let’s just leave it as blessed BEYOND words). Our daughter was off from her teaching […]
I am overcome by sadness as I see the horrific events happening in our world today. It makes me question what defines human beings…how can we all be of the same species? How can people have absolutely no value for life? What went wrong? How do we fix this? So many questions, without any real […]
A Bit of History: When I was hired in 1977, My Jewel Shop was one of the few custom design jewelry stores in the area. I was a young enthusiastic employee, with a passion to learn everything I could. There was no limit to my opportunities, and I was exposed to every aspect of the […]
Fast week…soooo much to tell. No worries, I’m focused. Because of my passion for plants, orchids, and nature I must share my unexpected experience this week, that resulted in a check mark off my bucket list, (yes, l’ll admit my list is rather longš. My Jewel Shop entered the window display contest sponsored by the […]
Today is the day I take a monumental step…I am losing my blog virginity. For three years I’ve talked about blogging. I think starting is definitely the hardest part. I am from that in-between technology generation (turning 60), where on a regular basis I question the definition of progress versus sanity. So why am I […]